Bibliopolis Help Center

Amazon FAQs

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Bibliopolis only supports the US / North American Amazon Marketplace.

Why aren't all of my items uploading to Amazon?

Amazon will only accept uploads of items that have ISBNs or match their existing records. Click here to view Amazon's article about ISBN requirements.

What is the difference between a product listing and an offer in Amazon?

A product listing includes the details of a product that are shared for all sellers, like the title, description, image, ISBN, etc. The offer contains the price, inventory quantity, condition and options provided by the seller for their offer to sell that product.

Does BookRouter decide how to route my items to Amazon?

If your item has a valid ISBN, we will submit your item to be matched by ISBN in Amazon's Catalog.

If your item does not have an ISBN, then we will submit your item so that Amazon will try to match your items attributes to an existing Amazon product listing.

NOTE: If your item is not accepted because it cannot be matched to an existing product in the Amazon catalog, then you can attempt to create a new product in Amazon.


How can I create a new product listing in Amazon's Catalog?

Under the Amazon Properties section on your item edit screen is a section titled Actions. You can check the Create/Edit Product option at the top, and this will make BookRouter submit the item to Amazon in a way that will attempt to create a new product. Please note, new products are not always accepted by Amazon. You have a higher chance of success if you fill in the additional information under the Product Details section.

What is the difference between product description and condition note??

Product description is a general description about the item and should not contain unique information about the item or its condition. The description is populated when new items are created in Amazon's Catalog. The description is displayed on the main page of the Amazon product. BookRouter will only pass the description if it is entered on the Amazon Properties window. Otherwise, it is sent blank.

Condition note is another descriptive field that is passed to Amazon and is unique to your offered copy of the item on Amazon. By default, BookRouter will populate the condition note field with your generic export listing description, which is passed to other marketplaces as well. This is always sent with your item.

How can I change the condition of an item already listed in my Amazon inventory?

Because Amazon does not allow the condition of an existing offer to be changed, you will need to remove the offer from Amazon and resubmit it.

Under the Amazon Properties section on your item edit screen is a section titled Actions. You will need to check the Remove Offer option and save. This will tell BookRouter to remove the item from your Amazon Inventory. Once the removal of the item is confirmed in Amazon Seller Central, you can return to the Amazon Properties window and restore the items original action and save.

How does my item get marked as “collectible” if I let BookRouter decide this?

There are several ways that BookRouter determines if an item is collectible. The simplest is if the term collectible is present in the book condition. Signed books and books priced above $200 are always marked as collectible by default. Books that are $50 or more and designated as a first edition will also be considered collectible. There are some publishers that are always set as collectible as well, like Franklin Library and Easton Press, and certain collectible phrases like limited edition or vintage paperback.

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