Bibliopolis Help Center

Getting started on eBay

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This article provides additional information for selling on eBay after you have connected to it with BookRouter Plus.

If you are looking for how to begin selling on eBay, please see 'How do I connect to/start selling on eBay?'

If you have additional questions, you may find the answer in our 'eBay FAQs'


We often find that sellers who are new to eBay are surprised to learn about its Selling Limits. eBay places limits on total quantity and total dollar value of items new sellers can list. For example, initial limits may be set to 1,000 items/$25,000. We usually recommend starting with inexpensive items in order to generate sales quickly. If you can generate some sales quickly, it is more likely eBay will increase your limits when it reviews your account, which it does on a monthly basis. You can also request a limit increase here but eBay does not always approve these requests. It can take some time, but eventually your limits should increase to where you can list your entire inventory on eBay.

You can choose to select items to be listed yourself or contact us to discuss ways that we can help automate selection.

If you select items yourself, please be sure to stay within your current selling limits. eBay will reject listings above your limit, which can cause our system to become out of sync with eBay's.

It is best to use our tools to mark individual items for sale on eBay. If you upload your inventory and want to add a field to designate items for upload to eBay, please contact us.

Items must have at least one image to be listed. eBay will reject listings without images and images must be at least 500 pixels wide or tall.

Do NOT edit or delist items in eBay. Only update your items through your Bibliopolis tools.

Seller Hub

We recommend that you enable the Seller Hub in your eBay account. It has more features, such as an option to send offers directly to those who added your listing to their 'watch list.' You can learn more about all of the enhanced features and analytical tools here. To enable Seller Hub, click here and sign in to your account.

Top Rated Seller Benefits

Each month, eBay will review your performance and rate your selling as Below Standard, Above Standard, or Top Rated. If you meet their criteria, your listings will have a Top Rated Plus seal and you will get a 10% discount on your final value fee.

Click here for eBay's article on 'Seller levels and performance standards.'

In certain categories, including 'Collectibles & Art' and 'Books,' you do not need to offer the usual 30-day free returns in order to receive the discount benefit. (Although your listing will not have the seal.) Please check here for the most up-to-date 'list of circumstances.'

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