Bibliopolis Help Center

How do I renew authorization for Bibliopolis to access my Amazon Seller account?

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Amazon will have you renew your authorization for Bibliopolis to access your account about once a year.  This article will walk you through the process of doing so.  It is important to reconnect Amazon in your site BEFORE extending your authorization in your Amazon Seller account.

Step 1) In the control panel  of your Bibliopolis Website click Marketplaces and then Amazon

Disconnect from Amazon and then Reconnect

Step 2) Login to your Amazon Seller account

Scroll down and click 'Manage Your Apps' under the 'Apps and Services' heading

Next to 'Bibliopolis Bookrouter' click 'Extend Expiry'

Click 'Extend Expiry' to extend Bibliopolis's access for 1 year.

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