To use the GA4 Setup Assistant, you need the Editor role for the account. Follow the instructions below to create your GA4 property. You can use this wizard regardless of if your website pages have a Google Analytics tag (gtag.js or analytics.js), a Google Ads tag (gtag.js), or a Google Tag Manager container.
Login to your Google Analytics Account and perform the following tasks:
1) In Google Analytics Home, click Admin (lower left).

2) In the Account column, make sure that your desired account is selected. (If you only have one Google Analytics account, it's already selected.)
3) In the Property column, select the Universal Analytics property that currently collects data for your website. (If you only have one Property, it's already selected.)

4) In the Property column, click GA4 Setup Assistant. It's the first option in the Property column.

5) Click Get started under "I want to create a new Google Analytics 4 property".

6) In the Create a new Google Analytics 4 property pop-up screen, click 'Create property'.

7) Click 'Go to your GA4 property'

8) Click 'Data Streams'

9) Select your GA4 data stream

10) Copy the Measurement ID

Next you need to install the Analytics 'Measurement ID' on your website:
- Log in to your Bibliopolis Website Control Panel & Click on Google Analytics, under the Third Party Menu on the bottom left.

2) Paste the new Measurement ID (G-XXXXXXXXXX) to the Measurement ID field, replacing your existing UA- code.
3) Change the Analytics drop down menu to the GA4 option.

4) Click the Save button.

It may take up to 30 minutes for data to start being recorded in your Google Analytics account