If your Rackspace e-mail is full or you wish to reduce your mailquota usage, please read the following tips and tricks.
Important: Your Rackspace e-mail account has a mailquota (disk space limit) of 25 gigabytes. This is the maximum mailbox size that Bibliopolis supports. When you have filled 80% of that maximum (or 20GB) you will receive the following e-mail notification:
The only way to free space is to permanently delete e-mails. If you do not want to do this, you will need to migrate to an e-mail provider other than Rackspace. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information on how to do this.
Tip: One way to make space quickly is by logging into your account via webmail at https://apps.rackspace.com, sorting your mailbox by size, then deleting unnecessary e-mails.
This will place the largest e-mails at the top (usually with attachments) allowing you to free a large amount of space quickly.
Example of mailbox sorted by size, largest to smallest.
More Quick Tips: If your mailbox is completely full, sorting by size (seen above) is the fastest method to free space. Here are a few other ideas:
- Do you subscribe to e-mail lists? Consider deleting all of those e-mails, there is usually an archive online that you can use for future needs.
- Do you delete marketing messages or leave them in your inbox? If not, sort the mailbox by the "from:" field. This will group marketing messages together and allow you to delete entire senders at once.
Important: Once you delete messages, you MUST purge your trash in order to retrieve the space. Leaving the deleted messages in the trash will cause the emails to continue applying to your mailquota.
To purge the Trash, right-click on the Trash folder and choose Purge: "Trash" (see below).

Final Tip: Practice inbox hygiene.
- Delete marketing messages (or unsubscribe from them!)
- Delete e-mail list messages (and/or switch to receive them once a day)
- Delete large attachments that you don't need (or that you have downloaded)
Believe it or not, there is an entire industry built around keeping our inboxes neat and tidy. You can read more ideas here: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+keep+my+inbox+clean