Bibliopolis Help Center

How do I create a catalog?

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There are two types of catalogs that can be added to your website: PDF Catalogs and Online Catalogs. For both, the first step is to 'Add New Catalog.'

Add New Catalog

Click on the 'Manage Catalogs' link under the 'Lists' heading in the Control Panel menu. Then, click on 'Add New Catalog.'

Catalog Details

Enter the name of your catalog and a description. These will appear on your website. Choose the 'Status' of your catalog (visible/active, hidden/inactive, or private) and whether it will be 'Website only.' Then, click 'Save.'

'Visible' or 'Active' status means that the catalog is visible when browsing and the books are searchable. Books are uploaded to marketplaces in addition to your website, unless you check the 'Website only' box.

'Hidden' or 'Inactive' status means that the books are searchable, but the catalog is hidden from the browse page and other lists. Books are uploaded to marketplaces in addition to your website, unless you check the 'Website only' box.

'Private' status means that books are not searchable and the catalog is hidden from the browse page and other lists. The only way to view the books is with the direct link to the catalog. The books will not be sent to any marketplaces.

If you do not see 'Private' and would like it added to your status options, please email [email protected].

Catalog Image

Click on the 'Image' tab then click 'Browse' to upload a cover image that will appear on the catalogs page. Then, click 'Save.'

PDF Catalog

If you are adding a PDF catalog, click the 'PDF' tab then click 'Browse' to upload the PDF file. Then, click 'Save.'

Online Catalog

1. Create a file for upload

Generate a file to upload that contains the items that you wish to add to a catalog. There are two formats you can choose from:

1) You can upload a file in the same format as your regular website uploads.

2) You can upload a simple text file that contains the Book IDs of each item you wish to add to the catalog. The Book IDs should each be on their own line.

2. Upload Items

After adding your new catalog details and image, click on the 'Upload Inventory' link under the 'Inventory' heading in the Control Panel menu.

From the 'I would like to' dropdown menu, select 'Add Books to a Catalog.' In the newly visible 'Catalogs' dropdown menu, select the catalog you'd like to upload to.

Click 'Browse' and select the upload file containing all the items you wish to add to this catalog. Then, click the 'Begin Upload' button.

3. Finalize Upload

After uploading your file, you will be presented with a preview of the data you are uploading. If everything looks ok, click the 'FINISH UPLOAD' button.

If you would like to add additional items to your online catalog without uploading a new file, you can add items by ID.

Click on 'Manage Inventory' under the 'Inventory' heading in the Control Panel menu. Click the 'Bulk Edit Catalog' tab. Then, select the catalog you wish to update, input the item IDs, and click 'Create Online Catalog.'

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