Bibliopolis Help Center

How to share access to your Network Solutions account, allowing Bibliopolis to manage your domain name

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If you are having a hard time tracking down your provider, you can use a free online tool to help identify your account.

Follow these instructions if you are using Network Solutions as your domain registrar/provider. 

Step 1: To add a new user on your account, first log into Network Solutions account. To find the login screen, go to the Accounts section on the top right corner, (ie. typically “your name”) press on the link and click ‘Accounts & Users’ in the sub menu.

Step 2: Select the account you would like to delegate access to and press the ‘Manage’ button.

Step 3: Navigate down the page to the User Roles & Permissions section and press the ‘+ Add User’ button. This will open a new user modal window where you will need to add the person’s name (Bibliopolis Tech Support) and email address ([email protected]). For our purposes, we will only need “Tech” role access.

Press ‘Invite’ and you’re done! We’ll receive an email notification and be able to point your domain name to your new website.

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