Bibliopolis Help Center

How do I set up PayPal Auto Return?

Updated on

How Auto Return Works

With Auto Return for Website Payments, your buyers are redirected back to your site immediately after clicking the Pay button on the Payment Confirmation page.

Auto Return applies to all PayPal Website Payments, including Buy Now, Donations, Subscriptions, and Shopping Cart. Your buyers enjoy a streamlined checkout experience and are returned back to your site quickly!

To setup Auto Return, login in to your PayPal Business account. In the top right corner, click on your name then select 'Account Settings.'

Scroll down and click on 'Website payments' under the 'PRODUCTS & SERVICES' heading.

Click the 'Update' button next to 'Website preferences.'

Scroll down to the 'Auto Return' heading and click the 'On' radio button. Enter the 'Return URL' as 'https://www.[your site name].com/orderPP.php'. Then, click 'Save.'

Continue to scroll down to make sure that 'Payment data transfer' and 'Block non-encrypted website payment' are set to 'Off.'

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