The Constant Contact Email Manager allows you to create, edit, and manage custom E-Lists and submit them to your current Constant Contact account from your Bibliopolis website Control Panel page.
Don’t have a Constant Contact account? Click here to sign up.
Click on the 'Constant Contact Emails' link under the 'Third-Party' heading in the Control Panel menu. Then, click on 'Create New Email Campaign.'

New email lists are called “campaigns.” Each new campaign is made from a copy of the bookseller’s custom E-List Template and will be automatically named with the date and time it was created.
First, enter the 'Campaign Subject.' This will be the subject line of the recipients' email.

Then, adjust campaign settings in the fields provided. Pay most attention to the 'From Name,' 'From Email,' and 'Reply Email' choices, as well as the 'Greeting Salutation' and 'Greeting Name Format.' These will be carried within your email and seen by the recipient. The other defaults most often can be left as they are.
The email choices in the 'From Email' and 'Reply Email' dropdown menus are automatically derived from your Constant Contact account. You can edit them there.

Next, in the 'HTML Version' editor window, edit the placeholder text provided by the custom template. Use the formatting toolbar at top of the editor to further customize your text.
Click on the 'Need Help?' button to the right of the 'HTML Version' editor window to see an explanation of each icon as well as answers to common questions.

When you have finished editing the text of your email, position your cursor where you would like to insert your books and click the book icon.

A new window will appear. Enter the inventory ID number(s) you would like to insert into your email (separate multiple numbers with commas). Then, click '+Add Book(s).'

The books will be automatically sorted by title. If you would like to change the order, you can use your cursor to drag-and-drop individual books. When you have finished adding and sorting the books, click 'Insert Books.'
Mis-typed an ID number? You can delete the book by clicking the gray circle with the minus sign to the right of the title. Then, enter the correct number and click '+Add Book(s)' again.
We recommend that you do not change the settings in the other tabs ('Column Settings,' 'Image Settings,' and 'Description Settings'). Doing so would modify your default E-List template. If you would like to modify your template, please email [email protected] for help.

When you have finished writing text and adding books, click the 'Preview Campaign' button at the top of the editor window to see how the email will look to recipients. A new window will appear. When you have finished previewing, you can close the window.
Don't see the preview? You may need to temporarily disable your web browser’s pop-up window blocking.
Make any final edits based on the preview. Once you are satisfied, click on the 'Generate Text Version' button.
Most often the text-only generator will create an acceptable text format for your E-List. However, some incidental formatting may be required. Edit in this window as desired.
Some recipients’ email programs will not be able to view your E-list in html format. Creating a text-only version allows these customers to view your email campaign.

Next, select the email group(s) you would like to receive the E-List campaign. These email groups are automatically derived from your Constant Contact account; if you have not created any specialty groups, select the default choice, 'General Interest.'

Click 'Save' to save all your settings. You may return to this list and continue editing it before submitting it to Constant Contact.
When are ready, click 'Submit to Constant Contact' to add your E-List to your Constant Contact account where you can schedule the launch of your new campaign.