The difference between Visible, Hidden and Private catalogs
'Visible' or 'Active' status means that the catalog is visible when browsing and the books are searchable. Books are uploaded to marketplaces in addition to your website, unless you check the 'Website only' box.
'Hidden' or 'Inactive' status means that the books are searchable, but the catalog is hidden from the browse page and other lists. Books are uploaded to marketplaces in addition to your website, unless you check the 'Website only' box.
'Private' status means that books are not searchable and the catalog is hidden from the browse page and other lists. The only way to view the books is with the direct link to the catalog. The books will not be sent to any marketplaces.
1) Click 'Manage Catalogs' under the 'Lists' heading of the 'Control Panel'.

2) Under 'Existing Catalogs:' select the catalog you'd like to make 'Visible, Hidden or Private' from the drop-down menu.

3) Click the 'Edit' button.

4) Scroll down, next to 'Status' select 'Visible, Hidden or Private' from the drop-down menu.

5) When you are finished, Scroll down and click the 'Save' button.