Bibliopolis Help Center

How can I help a customer verify their account?

Updated on

In an ongoing effort to improve security across all of its websites, Bibliopolis now requires a new user to verify their email before their customer account is made active (they must "double opt-in"). A verification email will be automatically sent to the customer with the verification URL, set to expire after 24 hours. Until the verification is complete, the new account will not be active. This feature aims to stop the creation of accounts using fake emails and also complies with GDPR standards for registering users on a website.

If a customer contacts you with difficulty verifying their email on your website, you will have two options:

1. Resend the verification email

Click on the 'Customer Reports' link under the 'Reports' heading in the Control Panel menu. Then, change 'Status' to 'Unverified' and click 'Submit.'

Click 'Edit' next to that customer's account.

Click on the 'Administrative' tab on the next  screen. Then, click on the 'Resend Verification Email' button.

2. Manually verify their account

Follow the steps above to access the 'Administrative' tab of the customer's account. Change the account status to 'Verified Account' and then click the 'UPDATE CUSTOMER' button.

How the process looks from the customer's perspective

The customer will begin by filling out the account information as always. When they click submit, this message will appear on their screen:

Example email:

After clicking the link, their account will be verified and they will be able to login.

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