During checkout you may offer gift wrapping service to your customers. If you offer gift wrapping, the customer can select this option during checkout and can provide an optional gift message for each item bought.
1) Click on 'Gift Wrapping' under the "Commerce' heading of the control panel.

2) Next to the 'Do you want to offer gift wrapping during checkout?' prompt, Select 'Yes' or 'No'. If 'No', you can skip to the last step to finalize.

3) Next to the 'Are you offering gift wrapping as a "Free" service?' prompt, select 'Yes or No".

4) If you are charging for gift wrapping, enter your fee. You can choose if this fee is for individual items or the entire order in the next step.

The subsequent fields apply to labels that are displayed in the cart.
5) Next to the 'Apply fee to each item gift wrapped?:' select 'Yes' or 'No'.

6) When you are finished your gift wrapping settings, scroll down & click the 'Save' button to finalize.